This strawberry mug and saucer is a kawaii cute dream.
The strawberry shape cup has the textured detail and a green vines shape handle. The saucer is the shape of a traditional strawberry.
The strawberry shape cup is hand painted and beautiful and is a small cup perfect for your morning Espresso
This cup is perfect for anyone that loves cute kawaii style items and loves pretty things. Makes a perfect gift.
- Product : Strawberry Mug and Saucer
- Quantity: 1 cup
- Material: Ceramic
- Size: 300ml - small cup
- Easy to clean: Hand Wash
- Style: Red Strawberry
We import this item from OUTSIDE of the U.K from a TRUSTED UK certified supplier. We have vetted all suppliers who are all making products to U.K regulations. In turn, we guarantee all purchases.
This is a hand finished item please allow a small difference in size difference and allow for certain textural differences between batches.