La combinación perfecta de arte y funcionalidad con nuestra lámpara de mesa de madera con forma de robot. Esta moderna lámpara de mesa de escritorio de madera con arte en tela agrega carácter a su espacio, ya sea con una lámpara de color blanco cálido, blanco brillante o que cambia de color.
Esta luz empotrada con pantalla de tela viene con varios tipos de enchufes, necesita una bombilla E14 para funcionar, se enciende y apaga con un interruptor de perilla.
Esto será una adición fabulosa a cualquier hogar.
These items are imported from outside of the U.K from a trusted supplier and take approx 7 working days.
Delivery on these items are FREE Worldwide.
We do not currently offer next day delivery on any items.
Deliveries to USA, EUROPE, AUSTRALIA ETC take approx 7-10 working days.
Orders may be subject to an import fee or duties, the buyer (you) is responsible for the payment of any charges.
Was well packed, in a box made of foam, everything arrived whole, cool. From the photo it seemed smaller, in reality, a table floor lamp was right
Arrived immediately and as in the Description. happy with the product
What an amazing lamp. Build quality is good and it looks so nice in the room. Looks like advertised! Great value