Lámpara con pantalla de cristal que emite una luz blanca suave o cálida según la bombilla utilizada.
La lámpara de mesa pequeña mide 19 cm de alto por aproximadamente 14 cm de ancho en la base.
Interruptor de perilla -Sin atenuador.
Enchufe para Reino Unido o UE.
Sólo lámpara, no se proporciona bombilla.
Perfecta lámpara pequeña perfecta para mesita de noche o salón.
These items are imported from outside of the U.K from a trusted supplier and take approx 7 working days.
Delivery on these items are FREE Worldwide.
We do not currently offer next day delivery on any items.
Deliveries to USA, EUROPE, AUSTRALIA ETC take approx 7-10 working days.
Orders may be subject to an import fee or duties, the buyer (you) is responsible for the payment of any charges.
It took a while to arrive but the lamp is perfect. You have different type of lights and it's the perfect size and colour! Love it!
I ordered this lamp, around 2 weeks ago, it’s arrived with no cracks whatsoever and it looked exactly like the image, super pretty and happy with my purchase!!